PICTURES.... Ghost face of a girl that is believed to haunt the 4th floor at Waverly Hill Sanitorium in Lousiville KY. Photo taken on the 4th floor in a hallway. Photo by Bill Face in window of a private residence in Orange County NY.It seems to be peering at Mark. A man commited suicide at this spot in the home. We are not big on Orbs,but this was different. A very bright self illuminating Orb in the far distance at Eastern State Penitentiary in cell block 12 Room 502 in Waverly Hills. Bill and Mark were alone in the room when a black mass appeared in front of them.Mark started taking pics and caught part of it....Eeeeerie!!! This is a pic of what appears to be a man sitting at a table in the Shanley Hotel. Captured on Novemeber 13th 2007 by Bill |
Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) While investigating a private residence, we caught this creepy voice ...sounds like a deep inhale and then it says YOU!!! |
Captured on the 4th floor of Waverly Hills in KY. A little girl named Mary supposedly haunts that floor. Bill asks if thats her name and someone answers...we are not sure what it is saying.... Caught this one in cell block 12 at Eastern State Penitentiary. Not sure what the first part is saying,but the second part sounds like I'LL KILL BRIAN to us!!!! We got this one last week at the Shanley Hotel in Napanoch NY.The spirit of a little girl is said to play peekaboo with people who stay there. Brian asks if she wants to play Peekaboo and she answers,,,,NO!!!!! Listen closely at the very beginning of this one. You will hear "I'm freezing" by an unknown voice. Brian actually hears this and asks Mark what he of the rare times when someone actually heard a voice. Captured at the Shanley Hotel Nov 2 2007 Not too sure what this is..sounds like a woman in distress in the distance.This was captured in the "Bordello" at the Shanley have to turn up the sound to hear it. Got this one on the 3rd floor of the Shanley Hotel.November 2 2007 We were in the Bordello and Brian was telling us about a movie from the 70's called the Bordello of Blood. Listen close near the end as he is talking,you can hear a female voice say "BORDELLO" as he is speaking...tough to hear but its there. Listen close at the hear something say..."it appears"and then goes into mumbling...the footstep you hear are Bills' as he was walking down the hall. No one else was around. IT APPEARS............MUMBLING The Paranormal Observation Research Team Copyright 2007